1 mag 2010

September 14th - 17th, 2010

SilviLaser 2010 will bring together research scientists and practitioners from around the world to share their experience in the development and implementation of LiDAR for forest applications. Topics will cover different laser systems, from all possible platforms across a full range of forest and forested landscape applications. The conference is made up of six session themes:

Conference Themes

  1. Terrestrial lasers for forestry applications
  2. Airborne lasers for forestry applications
  3. Multi-sensoral data
  4. Ecological and landscape inventories
  5. Biomass and forest fuel assessment
  6. Satellite based Lidar systems

Conference Background

SilviLaser 2010 is the 10th international conference in a series focussing on applications of laser systems for forestry and forest landscapes.
Previous conferences have taken place in Canada, Australia, Sweden, Germany, USA, UK, Japan and Finland.

Conference Aims

SilviLaser 2010 aims to bring together research scientists and practitioners from around the world to share their experience in the development and application of LiDAR for forest and forest landscape applications.
At SilviLaser, the state of the art of laser systems and data processing techniques, as well as multi-sensoral data will be demonstrated and discussed, as well as how to meet the information needs of researchers and practitioners working in forestry and forested landscapes .
The conference is also aimed to develop and encourage strong links between researchers and practitioners in forestry. 


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Marcos Giongo
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